This is another Japanese style sleeve which has been ongoing for quite a while - it's owner was working as a chef and now as the kitchen manager for Hard Rock Cafe - which means that finding time to get tattooed, and particularly to heal, hasn't been easy. But she's looking lovely nonetheless! The grey flames at the top of his arm were already there so I put more further down the design to make them part of the finished sleeve - hence her name of Flame Geisha...

Today we worked on the forearm as much as possible -it's insanely busy here in Edinburgh at the moment with the Edinburgh Festival being on and it's a bit easier trying to run a busy kitchen if you can actually bend your arm - so no elbow coverage till holiday time kids!!

The entire sleeve will be in shades of grey, pink and red - but we've sneaked in a blue cherry blossom. Just because we could. And it looks great.
I did start the zombie ice cream tattoo as well but we're waiting for the colour to be in that before I take the photo - and that will have to be another day cos Ms Ice Cream has been averaging about 3 hours sleep a night of late, so wasn't up for a long tattoo sitting.